Breast Surgery

Breast Surgery

Aesthetic Approaches

Avelar, Juarez M.

Springer International Publishing AG






15 a 20 dias



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Section A - General information for breast surgery1. Surgical Anatomy of the breast.- 2. Clinical evaluation and surgical planning for breast surgery.- 3. Anesthesia in breast surgery.- 4. History of aesthetic breast surgery.-
Section B - Surgical Principles for Breast Surgery5. Reduction mastoplasty with inverted "T" scar.- 6. Reduction mastoplasty with vertical scar.- 7. Reduction mastoplasty with "L" shaped scar.- 8. Mastoplasty through inferior pedicle.- 9. Periareolar approach on Mastoplasty.- 10. Mastoplasty for correction of asymmetric breast.- 11. Mastopexy.- 12. Block resection on mastoplasty.- 13. Correction of tuberous breasts.- 14. Reduction mastoplasty on giant hypertrophy.- 15. Reverse abdominoplasty with breast augmentation using adipose flaps.- 16. Complications during and after mastoplasty.- 17. Secondary mastoplasty.-
Section C - Breast augmentation 18. General considerations about breast implants.- 19. Breast implant - Critical analysis about submammary, axillary and periareolar approaches.- 20. Mastopexy combined with breast implants.- 21. Correction of breast deformities with hypomasty.- 22. Poland's syndrome.- 23. Complications on breast implants.-
Section D - Liposuction and lipoinjection24. Male Mastoplasty (Ginecomasty).- 25. Liposuction on breast surgery.- 26. Lipoinjection on breast augmentation.- 27. Importance of Regenerative Medicine in breast surgery.
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